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Adversary Wordle, or Adverswordle for short, is the opposite of Wordle. You think of a five-letter word, and a bot tries to figure out what it is.
How to play
Now you need to come up with a word. Try to think of a hard-to-guess word that not many people know. This word really exists. You're good to go as long as the word has five letters. Next, the AI or computer will make guesses, and you will have to write down which letters are right and whether they are in the right place or not. If the computer or AI guesses the right letter in the right spot, turn it green. But it will turn yellow if the right letter isn't where it should be. In Wordle, though, the roles are switched.
The game is over when the computer gets the word right. The final score is based on how many times the computer guesses the right answer. The score goes up as people try to guess.
Have fun and good luck!