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With Squabble, a new Wordle clone, the game has a multiplayer twist that makes it stand out, but it still has battle royale gameplay like the others. Squabble is a great word puzzle game where players have six chances to guess a five-letter word by putting each letter in the right place in the word. As players guess, the game checks to see if their letters are in the word and, if so, where they are in the word.

It's so much better than Wordle because you can play as many games as you want with as many people as you want. Also, you can play Squabble with up to 99 other people at the same time.

How to play

Since Squabble is still in beta, there may be some bugs.

On the homepage, you can choose BLITZ if you want a quick game or SQUABBLLE ROYALE if you want a longer one (if you are looking for a tournament experience).

The game will be chosen at random. You can make your own game or join one that a friend made. If a friend made it, they should have given you a code.

The goal of the game is to guess the five-letter word correctly, just like in Wordle. After each correct guess, the game's tiles will change color to show how close you were to figure out the five-letter word.

When a letter is gray, it means that it does not appear anywhere in the word. When a letter is green, it means it is right and in the right place. But a yellow letter means that it is in the word, but not in the right place. Keep in mind that you will be competing with other players, so don't waste any time. First, guess the word to win.

Have fun and good luck!

Category and Tags

Wordle GamesSquabble gameSquabble onlineSquabble unlimited

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