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Wheredle is a daily game that is similar to Wordle but has a detective theme based on Google Street View. You can find out what state you are in by using Street View Maps.

How to play

You'll need to look at the 3D version of Google Street View to use landmarks like storefronts and street signs. For each wrong answer, the map will show an arrow pointing in the right direction to get to the right state. You will have seven chances to answer the question right before you are locked out.

Find the WHERE in 7 tries. It's important to get the name of the 5-letter WORD right. The second part of the puzzle is to find the word in one of the ten possible places. After each guess, the color of the tiles will change to show how close you were to the right word.

Have fun and good luck

Category and Tags

Wordle GamesWheredle gameWheredle onlineWheredle unlimited

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